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e-Authentication Technique Using e-KYC Services 


e-Sign allows users to digitally sign documents through an online service. The signer’s authentication is based on e-KYC responses and confirmation from a Certifying Authority (CA). The actual signing process takes place on a back-end server operated by the e-Sign provider. This service is exclusively offered by Certifying Authorities.

e-Sign is an integrated service that issues a Signature Certificate and facilitates signing requested data based on authenticated e-KYC responses. The e-Sign Service will be implemented according to the e-authentication guidelines set by the Controller. Please note that the certificate issued through the e-Sign service has a limited validity period and is intended for one-time signing of requested data.

What is eSign Service:

“eSign” or “eSign Service” is an innovative initiative for allowing easy, efficient, and secure signing of electronic documents by authenticating signer using e-KYC services. With this service, any eSign user can digitally sign an electronic document without having to obtain a physical digital signature dongle.

Flow Diagram:

e-KYC Services Providers applicable for eSign:

  • UIDAI ( Online Aadhaar e-KYC Services)
  • eSign User Account with CA (based on Offline Aadhaar e-KYC , Organizational KYC or Banking e-KYC)

We are using UIDAI services for authentication.

e-Authentication Technique using Aadhaar e-KYC Services:

  • Aadhaar-eKYC – OTP:This class of certificates shall be issued for individual use based on OTP authentication of subscribers through Aadhaar e-KYC.This service takes Aadhaar number and sends OTP on the Aadhaar registered Mobile number.These certificates will confirm that the information in the Digital Signature certificate provided by the subscriber is the same as information retained in the Aadhaar databases about the subscriber as Aadhaar holder.
  • Aadhaar-eKYC – Biometric (FP/Iris):This class of certificate shall be issued based on biometric authentication of subscriber through Aadhaar e-KYC service.This service also takes Aadhaar number, captures fingerprint/face through Aadhaar registered Biometric devices and compares this fingerprint/face with the Aadhaar registered details.These certificates will confirm that the information in Digital Signature certificate provided by the subscriber is same as information retained in the Aadhaar databases pertaining to the subscriber as Aadhaar holder.

Implementation of Aadhaar-eKYC – Biometric (FP/Iris):

To perform Biometric Authentication user has to install the application of that device from playstore and need to integrate Aadhaar APIs with some details.

Below are some Aadhaar registered Biometric devices:

  • Mantra MFS100
  • Secugen
  • Morpho
  • Startek

Steps to perform Authentication:

RD service having only two functionalities can be call using intent action request only such as:

  • Device Information: This request returns RD service status (READY/NOTREADY)Request Format:
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    startActivityForResult(intent, 1);
  • Capture Biometric: The capture call is a blocking call and only one client can call at any point in time.Request Format:
    Intent intent2 = new Intent();
    intent2.putExtra("PID_OPTIONS", pidOption);
    startActivityForResult(intent2, 2);

    PidOption is an input required to generate PID-Data. This is in XML format.

    PID-Data is response block used to get verified signed certificate to sign the PDF document.


The digital signature confirms the integrity of the message. This signature ensures that the information originated from the signer and was not altered, which proves the identity of the organization that created the digital signature. Any change made to the signed data invalidates the whole signature.

For more details about such case studies, visit us at and if you would like to convert this virtual conversation into a real collaboration, please write to [email protected].

Supriya Mhaishale
Software Engineer
CoReCo Technologies Private Limited

Supriya Mhaishale
Supriya Mhaishale

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