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Benefits and Experience of Using FFMPEG in Application Development

FFMPEG is a powerful, open-source software suite that provides a range of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams. It is widely used for multimedia processing, including converting, editing, and streaming media content. Its versatility and reliability have made it a popular choice for developersworking on various applications, including mobile and web-based platforms.

The Need for FFMPEG

At CoReCo Technologies, we integrated FFMPEG into our Vsign Verify mobile application, which is designed to record and upload user validation videos for the purpose of identity verification through RA (Registration Authority) and e-KYC (Electronic Know Your Customer) providers.

One of the key requirements in this application was to overlay text on video after submission, similar to features seen on platforms like YouTube and Facebook. FFMPEG allowed us to efficiently achieve this functionality, as well as perform video resizing and compression, all while maintaining high-quality output.

Key Uses of FFMPEG

FFMPEG offers an extensive range of functionalities that can be leveraged in multimedia applications. Some of the primary uses include:

  • Adding subtitles to video files.
  • Adjusting the volume of audio files.
  • Cropping videos to a specified size.
  • Extracting images from video frames.
  • Compressing both audio and video files to reduce file size.
  • Applying filters to video files for effects or enhancement.
  • Creating fast-motion or slow-motion video playback.

Integration with Android Applications

Integrating FFMPEG into Android applications is straightforward, especially with the availability of precompiled libraries such as ffmpeg-android (credit to Writing-Minds). By adding the FFmpeg dependency to the app’s gradle file, developers can seamlessly incorporate its functionalities into their projects.

implementation 'com.writingminds:FFmpegAndroid:0.3.2'

Once integrated, specific FFMPEG commands can be executed to handle various multimedia tasks. For instance, compressing a video and adding a custom text overlay can be done using the following command:

String[] cmd = {
    "-i", mInputFilePath,
    "-vf", "drawtext=fontfile='" + getFileFromAssets() + "':text='" + dscCode + "':x=200:y=1200:fontsize=55:fontcolor=white:box=1:[email protected]",
    "-c:v", "libx264",
    "-crf", "8",
    "-maxrate", "1.2M",
    "-bufsize", "1.5M",
    "-preset", "superfast",

Explanation of Arguments:

  • -y: Overwrites the output files without prompting.
  • -i: Specifies the input file path.
  • -vf: Applies a filter graph, such as adding text or filters.
  • -crf: Sets the quality level for constant quality mode.
  • -maxrate: Defines the maximum bitrate tolerance.
  • -bufsize: Configures the rate control buffer size.
  • -preset: Sets the encoding speed (options include ultrafast, superfast, and medium).
  • -c:v: Specifies the video codec (e.g., libx264 for H.264 encoding).


FFMPEG is a valuable tool for developers seeking to implement advanced video and audio processing features in their applications. Whether you’re building a mobile app or a web-based solution, FFMPEG offers a wide range of capabilities for handling multimedia content with ease and efficiency.

For more information on how CoReCo Technologies utilizes FFMPEG and other cutting-edge tools in our applications, visit us at If you’re interested in exploring a collaboration, feel free to reach out to Supriya Mhaishale at [email protected].

Supriya Mhaishale
Supriya Mhaishale

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